Connect any app with
Invoice Ninja
Improve cash flow by automating the creation of your customer invoices.
Connect Invoice Ninja to thousands of apps with Zapier. Automation for busy people. Zapier allows integration between your favorite web apps automatically, so you can focus on your most important work.
Easy automation for busy people. Zapier moves info between your web apps automatically, so you can focus on your most important work.
Do More! Zapier + Invoice Ninja
Bring the power of automation to any process. Build advanced workflows that incorporate custom logic, conditions, filters, and more. No code needed.
Frequently Asked Questions
Does Invoice Ninja offer an API?
Yes! As part of the Pro & Enterprise plans you have REST API access.
Check out our developer resource guide!
How do I integrate with Zapier?
- Upgrade your Invoice Ninja account to Pro or Enterprise Plans to access unlock Zapier in your account.
- Sign up with Zapier and take your automations to the next level with built-in features and customizations!
How do I integrate with Make.com?
- Upgrade your Invoice Ninja account to Pro or Enterprise Plans to access Make.com integrations.
- Start by registering for Make. As a new Make user, you’ll automatically be assigned a free account. Once your account is set up, you can start creating your first scenarios. We recommend starting with our step-by-step video tutorial.