Whether you’re doing business with self-employed individuals or large enterprises, you need to send them invoices once you’ve delivered goods or services to get paid. Fortunately, many reputable digital invoicing platforms, like Invoice Ninja, offer free invoice templates that simplify and speed up your invoicing process.
Another importance of an invoice template is that it adds an element of professionalism and accuracy to your invoices. That’s correct, even lawyers utilize professional law firm invoice templates. But what happens when you can’t find an invoice template that meets your invoicing needs? For instance, you may want to customize your invoices to promote your brand’s identity or your unique services.
Fortunately, Invoice Ninja offers you tools to customize your invoice. It also allows you to create your own template with all the customization elements you want to add. But how do you create a business template?
How to Create Your Own Business Invoice Template
Many invoicing platforms, like Invoice Ninja, offer free invoice templates and allow you to create your own invoice templates using their invoice designing tools or by customizing their existing templates. Creating your own invoice template isn’t easy because specifications change unexpectedly.
With a reliable invoicing platform, you can create an invoice for a professional services template that meets your branding needs. This invoicing platform offers three main packages: Free, Pro, and Enterprise. The Free plan offers four free invoice templates that you can customize by adding your company’s logo and contact details.
Exploring Pro and Enterprise
Pro and Enterprise plans come with eleven template designs that you can use to create your own invoice template. If you offer legal services, you can create a professional law firm invoice template using the most corresponding design, but you have to pay a small subscription fee for this feature.
Furthermore, the Pro and Enterprise plans offer more advanced invoice template customization features and designs that will help you to achieve the kind of invoice template you desire. It allows you to save your invoice templates for future use so you won’t have to create an invoice template from scratch every time you want to send a customized invoice.
You can also change the design template by selecting your preferred design from the drop-down menu at the bottom of the Invoice Ninja website. Once you’ve successfully changed the invoice design, click on the “Save” button to save the changes. If you don’t like the changes to your invoice template, you can cancel them by clicking the “Cancel” button at the bottom of the page.
You can use the available invoice design tools like 5.x Documentation to design your own invoice template. These tools are designed to help you to match your invoice to your brand’s graphical and aesthetic needs. You can use them to alter the color, header, footer, font, margin size, and column names on your invoice.
Some of the available invoice designs that you can choose for your business invoice template include Bold, Business, and Elegant, among others. The invoice design page offers you a preview section at the bottom where you can preview your invoice template in PDF format.
With the right invoice design tool, you can add important elements to your invoice template, including invoice labels, product fields, invoice options, and invoice fields. Invoice labels include column names and field names, while product fields include the goods or services delivered, order number, and delivery location.
Invoice options on your invoice template will include the “Paid to Date” column, samples, testimonials, and embedded documents, while invoice fields include the information about your business and the client you’re doing business with.
Wrapping Up
The process of creating your own business invoice template depends on the type of invoice design platform and tools you’re using. If you want to create a professional business invoice template, you should try Invoice Ninja today!