When you successfully deliver goods to a client or complete a project, the next thing on your mind is getting paid. But you must complete several important tasks to receive payments, including creating and sending a professional invoice to your client. Whether you’re a freelancer dealing with a self-employed client or you’re an entrepreneur offering goods or services to a well-established organization, invoices are essential for professional bookkeeping.
Can you create an invoice yourself for a self-employed client? Yes–creating a professional invoice isn’t hard when you have the right invoicing tools and knowledge about the entire process. For instance, you need to find good invoicing software like Invoice Ninja for a professional online invoice template. Let’s explore what an invoice is and how it can streamline your accounting and bookkeeping
What Is an Invoice Template?
Online invoice templates are digital document layouts designed to enable you to generate invoices quickly by simply replacing default details with your personalized invoicing information. With an invoice template, you won’t have to create an invoice from scratch. You just need to replace the default details with your information and send it to your client.
A professional invoice template offers the essential fields to allow you to fill in itemized details about goods or services. For instance, provides fields for critical details like price, quantity, delivery, and taxes, and more. With advanced invoicing software like Invoice Ninja, you can even create a business invoice template for your customized invoices.
Furthermore, this invoicing platform has a wide variety of invoicing templates for all businesses, including law firms. So, you’re guaranteed to get a professional invoice template for legal services. But why should you use an invoice template?
Importance of Having a Professional Invoice Template
A few years ago, freelancers and entrepreneurs generated their invoices manually, which was not only tedious but also riddled with inaccuracies. Fortunately, technological advancements have made it possible for software developers to create invoicing platforms, like Invoice Ninja, where you can find free professional invoice templates that match your business needs. Here are the main reasons why you should have an invoice template:
Prompt Payments
Because an invoice template offers you all the necessary fields to fill in essential details about your payment, you can generate many professional invoices within a short time. This ensures prompt payment and allows you to submit a multitude of invoices quickly.
Your clients will receive professionally completed invoices in a matter of minutes, prompting them to pay immediately. Because you’ve worked hard to deliver high-quality goods or services, you deserve to receive your payments on time. This is only possible if your clients receive your invoices immediately or within a few days of the completed job or delivery of products.
Accurate Invoices
As noted above, one of the dangers of generating manual invoices is the high number of errors that are likely to occur. Your eyes are likely to miss some costly errors, especially when you are generating many invoices at once. But with an invoice template, these errors are eliminated because you just need to replace the default information with your applicable invoicing details.
Minimizing errors in your invoices means that your clients won’t send the invoices back for correction. Therefore, you’re guaranteed to receive your payments on time. This will save time and resources that you can spend on other important things, like delivering projects or acquiring new clients.
Promoting Your Brand and Displaying Professionalism
Sending your clients professional invoices not only speeds up the payment process, but promotes your brand by displaying high levels of professionalism. This helps build trust and confidence in your business.
It reinforces the identity of your brand because most digital invoice templates allow you to customize your invoices by adding branding elements, like logos, that identify your company. When you send invoices with your company’s logo and other unique features, your clients get the impression that your business is doing well in your specific industry.
Invoices and You
In short, an invoice template will save you time and resources that you can spend on other important tasks like marketing and acquiring more clients. It also keeps your invoices professional and accurate.
Unsure of where to start? Invoice Ninja helps freelancers and small businesses create custom, professional invoices within minutes. Give your business the boost it needs with Invoice Ninja!