As a small business owner, you need to invoice your clients so that you can get paid – that’s a given – but do you really need fancy invoice software when you can just as well create something manually yourself to send out instead?
Here are 8 reasons why your small business would benefit from invoice software.
1. Outsource to save time and money
Firstly, it makes good business sense to outsource anything that takes up your time, or you’re not particularly good at. Why spend hours compiling invoices, tracking hours or inventory and emailing clients when you could simply sign up for free invoice software and get it all done at the click of a button?
As a rule of thumb, anything that takes you time that could take a professional (or an app) minutes should be outsourced.
Time is money – your money.
2. Automate time-consuming tasks
Chasing past-due invoices, issuing reminders and sending recurring invoices to long-term clients can all be fully automated with invoice software.
Invoice software saves you a ton of time on these otherwise tedious, monotonous and time-consuming tasks.
In short, all of these run-of-the-mill jobs can be off your desk and swiftly dealt with automatically. Just set it and go!
3. Wow your international clients
Dealing with foreign currencies can be complex and time-consuming.
With a tool like Invoice Ninja, you can set different languages and currencies per client, making it easier for you to deal with your international clients. Plus, your valued overseas client receives their invoice in their own native language!
And if you haven’t got any international clients – at least you now have the opportunity to enter the global marketplace confident there will be no invoicing and payment issues.
4. Reduce paper and paperwork
It might sound obvious but online invoicing allows for a paperless office, so it’s also a sustainable option for your business.
No more printing out invoices or sending them in the post – so you save on postage too (it also means your clients can’t tell you the check (or invoice) was ‘lost in the post’!).
And with all the time-saving features, it also means that you can slash paperwork and devote more time to running your business and making money.
5. Get paid faster
Invoice software enables faster payment. Clients get their invoices on time and can pay at the click of a button. What’s more, they have multiple payment options. Good invoice software providers also include email reminders and auto-payment options to reduce the risk of being paid late.
Getting paid faster improves your cash flow, which is key for any business because you need to have access to the money in your business to run it effectively.
In other words, money not in your bank account because a client is late paying cannot be accessed to invest in your business or pay outgoings, such as salaries, bills and other day-to-day operational costs.
6. Boost your branding
Unless you’re a whizz at graphic design, your DIY invoice may well be lacking certain features you didn’t know you should (or could) include. You might even end up unintentionally leaving out important information.
Invoice Ninja offers a range of customized professional invoice templates for you to choose from. You can upload your logo, use brand colors, and add any brand messages to the invoice template.
Invoice Ninja also has a branded client-side portal where your customers can view their invoice history, payments and quotes.
7. Get organized
All invoices, quotes and projects can be kept securely in one place, which is great for organization.
You can view invoice and payment history and quickly get an overview of your business finances – as well as sales and expenses.
No more opening several apps or tabs on your computer desperately trying to find that all-important invoice-related information.
8. Manage multiple client projects
If you are managing large projects for clients, an invoice software tool like Invoice Ninja can really help. Its ‘Projects’ feature allows you to track hours and expenses for multiple projects with one client, enabling you to stay organized, plan ahead, and invoice your client once the project is complete.
To sum up, by using invoice software, you are not only saving time and money but also making it easy and frictionless for your clients to do business with you, which puts you ahead of the competition.